Panthera S3

Panthera S3
Seat Width
27 to 50 cm
Seat Depth
27 to 45 cm
Seat Height
40.5 to 49.5 cm
Back Angle
-5° to 17.3
Total Weight
9.5 kg
Max User Weight
150 kg
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Prices from:
£2,678.00 exVAT
£3,213.60 incVAT
Product code: pantheras3
Approximate Delivery Date
12th May

Super lightweight and stable, perfect for daily use

Seat Width
27 to 50 cm
Seat Depth
27 to 45 cm
Seat Height
40.5 to 49.5 cm
Back Angle
-5° to 17.3
Total Weight
9.5 kg
Max User Weight
150 kg

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The Panthera S3 is a super lightweight rigid-framed chair that can be effectively tailored to the individual user. With a wider footrest and less upright front frame angle compared to the U3, the S3 allows for easy transfers. 

Rigidity is particularly important for efficient manual propelling. The S3's frame is particularly rigid thanks to a dual tube design, where the front castors and footrest are connected to the seat by two frame tubes on either side. The S3 features a titanium tubular fixed footrest.

The S3 is available in additional options to the standard model:
- S3 Short - the chassis is 5 cm shorter than the S3 and available in smaller seat width/depth
- S3 Short Abducted - S3 Short with an abduction front (4° seat angle) and available in smaller seat width/depth
- S3 Short Low - the chassis is 5cm shorter and 2.5cm lower than the S3
- S3 Large - the chassis is 5cm longer and 2.5cm higher than the S3 and available in larger seat width/depth 


* All size measurements in centimetres (cm)

Seat Width:
33 / 36 / 39 / 42 / 45 / 50 (S3)
30 / 33 / 36 / 39 / 42 / 45 (S3 Short)
27 / 30 / 33 (S3 Short Abducted)
33 / 36 / 39 (Short Low)
39 / 42 / 45 / 50 (S3 Large)

Seat Depth:
40 (S3)
27 to 33 / 35 (S3 Short)
27 to 33 (S3 Short Abducted)
35 (S3 Short Low)
45 (S3 Large)

Seat Height: 
47 (Front) / 43 (Rear) (S3, S3 Short)
45 (Front) / 43 (Rear) (S3 Short Abducted)
44.5 (Front) / 40.5 (Rear) (S3 Short Low)
49.5 (Front) / 45.5 (Rear) (S3 Large)

Backrest Height: 20 to 45
Backrest Angle: -5° to 17.3°
Front Frame Angle: 105°
Footplate Distance: 36 to 44 (in increments of 2) 
Camber: 2° approx

Maximum User Weight: 
100 kg 
150 kg (S3 Large)

Total Length:
78 (S3)
71 (S3 Short, S3 Short Abducted, S3 Short Low)
80 (S3 Large)

Total Width: Seat Width + 13 cm
Total Weight: 8.8 kg approx (9.5 kg approx S3 Large)
Weight without Rear Wheels: 5 kg approx (6 kg approx S3 Large)


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The crash test symbol indicates that this chair has been tested for use in a vehicle to ISO7176-19 accreditation or similar.

Better Mobility Ltd
t: 0808 2959 909  •  f: 01442 768 783  •  e:
Unit 1, Asheridge Business Centre, Asheridge Road, Chesham, Buckinghamshire, HP5 2PT, United Kingdom

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