Sunrise Medical Breezy Relax 2

Sunrise Medical Breezy Relax 2
Seat Width
37 to 53 cm
Seat Depth
42 to 50 cm
Seat Height
47.5 cm
Back Angle
Total Weight
38 kg
Max User Weight
170 kg
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Prices from:
£2,855.00 exVAT
£3,426.00 incVAT
Product code: BR2
Approximate Delivery Date
12th May

Adaptable, durable and comfortable

Seat Width
37 to 53 cm
Seat Depth
42 to 50 cm
Seat Height
47.5 cm
Back Angle
Total Weight
38 kg
Max User Weight
170 kg

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The Sunrise Medical Breezy Relax 2 is a comfort, tilt-in-space positioning chair which is durable, comfortable and stable. The Relax 2 features -3° to 22° or 0° to 25° adjustable seat tilt, quick and easy reconfiguration, step-less adjustability of the seat recline and tilt function, elevating legrests and a wide range of optional features.
- Highly flexible configurations
- Interchangeable parts
- Height adjustable push handles
- Infinitely adjustable seat back and tilt angle
- Swing away anti tip device
- Drum brake
- Height adjustable armrest with sliding pad for long and short position
- Elevating legrests
- Foldable stabilizer bar
- Amputation support available


* All size measurements in centimetres (cm)

Seat Width: 37 to 43 / 42 to 48 / 47 to 53 (Adjustable)
Seat Depth: 42 to 50 (Adjustable)
Seat Height: 47.5
Backrest Height: 55 to 60 (Adjustable)
Backrest Angle: 0° to 35° (Adjustable)
Front Frame Angle: Adjustable
Footplate Distance: 39 to 56 (Adjustable)
Camber: 0°
Seat Tilt: 25°

Maximum User Weight: 
145 kg (Standard)
170kg (Optional)

Total Length: 99 to 111
Total Width: Seat Width + 21 cm approx
Total Weight: 38 kg approx
Warranty: 5 years frame, 2 years parts


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Simply add the product to your shopping basket and fill out the zero-rated VAT form when you checkout. If you require any assistance please give us a call on 0808 2959 909.
The crash test symbol indicates that this chair has been tested for use in a vehicle to ISO7176-19 accreditation or similar.

Better Mobility Ltd
t: 0808 2959 909  •  f: 01442 768 783  •  e:
Unit 1, Asheridge Business Centre, Asheridge Road, Chesham, Buckinghamshire, HP5 2PT, United Kingdom

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